Below is just a small sample of the many different styles of cupolas we offer. Please click on the links below to view our complete selection.
Cupolas are a common shed customization, and are primarily added as a decorative accent. However, in the past cupolas provided an effective means of ventilation for barns and houses, giving owners a way to bring in light and air to areas directly underneath the roof.
Louvered cupolas prevent growth of mildew and mold by allowing any excess heat and moisture to escape, or fumes as a result of work in the area underneath. The louvers also work to keep rain and snow out while still providing the necessary ventilation, protecting anything that might be stored inside.
You don’t need to use a cupola for its traditional purpose, however. Most of our cupolas are sealed off, and are designed specifically for their external appearance. We’d also recommend adding a weathervane on top to give your structure a distinctive look!

Choosing a Cupola
When selecting a cupola for your structure, there are a few important things to remember. Size matters here, and as a general rule we’ll suggest a cupola that has 1.25-1.5” or so base per foot of roofline. In other words, on a 24’ roof, we’d recommend a cupola between 30-36” wide.
The overall size of the structure will also affect cupola size. A single story structure with lower pitched roof looks best with a smaller cupola, while multi story structures with steeper pitches look better with a larger model. These factors will not limit your design options, as most models can be customized to the size that looks best.
On very large structures, sometimes opting for two smaller cupolas may look better than one large one. But generally, we don’t recommend doing this unless your roofline is longer than 48’ — so for most structures we build, one cupola will be sufficient.

Quality Cupolas from Royal Crowne
Lapp Structures is proud to partner with Royal Crowne as the supplier of the cupolas for our shed builds. A Lancaster County, PA based business, Royal Crowne has been manufacturing cupolas and other outdoor decor for close to 40 years.
We have a wide selection of styles, sizes, and finishes to match your home or property. But we can also help you make it uniquely yours. Come in to our showroom, or call 1-800-768-3418 to find a sales location near you.