Chicken Coops
Whether you live in the country or are interested in learning more about urban homesteading, a chicken coop is probably just what you’re looking for!
About the Chicken Coop
Despite all our modern conveniences when it comes to the food we eat, whether it be fast food, big chain supermarkets, or even the corner store, sustainability is becoming a key part of 21st Century life. Enter the home chicken coop.
Raising farm animals is one way environmentally-conscious individuals are aiming to become more self-sustaining when it comes to their food. Sure, you’re not going to be able to raise a herd of cattle in a suburban area, but there is often enough room for a chicken coop.
Whether you have acres of land to play with or just a small backyard, we can design a chicken coop for your needs. We start off with one of our typical shed styles as the base. Then, by adding a chicken coop door and wraparound cage we transform it into a custom coop your chickens will appreciate as much as you will.
Forget the stereotypical chicken coop design too: the same design options we make available for any of our DreamSpaces is also available for our animal structures. This gives you the ability to blend your new structure into the overall design of your property.
Interested in learning more about our high-quality chicken coops? Contact a Design Consultant today to learn more about customizing your own. From designing, building, and delivering, we’ll handle every step of the process. Just don’t expect us to provide the chickens.